• Nepal and Climate

Nepal and Climate

Nepal and Climate


 Nepal attracts tourists and trekkers as much for the variety of its landscapes as for the warm welcome of its inhabitants. In less than 200 km, the land altitude goes from the Terai plains in the south with an altitude of 100m, to more than 8000m in the north. Near Nepal’s border with Tibet border are 14 peaks of more than 8000m, including Everest (Sagarmatha the “roof of the world”) with its 8,848m altitude. In the valleys between these peaks are hamlets and villages inhabited by many ethnic groups. These communities support a variety of trekking possibilities Many trekking routes in Nepal are so famous that the concept of trekking is inseparable from the country of Nepal. Among the many famous treks are the Annapurna Circuit, the Everest Base Camp, and the Manaslu Circuit. Also increasingly popular are trekking routes in the Langtang and Rolwaling Valleys, in the Kangchenjunga region, and in the mythical lands of Dolpo and Mustang.

                       Nepal -- Land of Buddhism and Hinduism

Although the historical Buddha (Siddhârta Gautama) was born in Nepal Lumbini near the Indian border. the vast majority of Nepalese are  Buddhist and Hindu. The presence of the Buddhist religion in the mountainous regions near Tibet means that in Nepal, more than elsewhere.  these two religions blend together in perfect harmony; the superb Kathmandu Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a perfect example of the architectural beauty of these two religions with the sites of Bodnath, Pashupatinath, Swayambunath, Bhaktapur, Patan, etc.

Trekking Seasons in Nepal

Autumn. It is an excellent time for tourism and trekking, although nighttime temperatures can be cold, especially in the Everest region. During the months of October and November, the sky is normally a deep blue and the sun is often bright. Mountain views are mostly crystalline and daytime temperatures are pleasant. 

Winter. Heavy snowfall sometimes makes high-altitude passes impassable. Trekking is still possible, but preferably at altitudes below 4000m because of the cold. The weather is very clear and the mountain visibility is excellent.
Spring. From March to May, the days are sunny and the temperatures are increasingly mild. The view of the mountains worsens as the monsoon approaches, but it is also the time of flowering for the magnificent rhododendrons, especially in the Annapurna region.

Summer. In June and July, the humid air masses of the Bay of Bengal collide and rise on the Himalayas. Moisture in the air cools and falls as rain -- the monsoon. Its effects are uneven across Nepal, and some regions are less affected. The monsoon loses its intensity as it moves from the southeast to the northwest; north of the Annapurna in the areas of Manang, Naar, Phu, Dolpo, and Mustang the effect of the monsoon is minor. Elsewhere, the paths can be slippery with mud and are often infested with leeches.