• Hike and Navigation course

Hike and Navigation course

Hike and Navigation course

There is no doubt that mountaineering and Trek around the country can become threatening when you find yourself out in bad weather, in whiteout condition when the thick mist rolls in, when you walk up into the cloud or when the footpath track suddenly disappears, to find out specific location and mountains, A map reading or mountain navigation course could be the answer to this kind of situations.

During this class, our instructors will help you understand the information provided on your map, the proper use of your compass, and how to put the two together. You’ll learn about magnetic north, true north, and magnetic variation (declination). After covering these fundamentals, you’ll get time to practice taking a baring from the terrain and your map so that you can make sense of your position and plan a route. This engaging course is a great introduction to outdoor navigation and map reading

Duration: – 5 days
Venue: – Kathmandu

Activities: –

  • Map scale and legend reading
  • Map setting
  • Understanding contours
  • Recognizing land features
  • Measuring map distance
  • Using a compass
If you are experienced in hill walking but aren’t confident about planning walks, navigating, and understanding the equipment required, then a navigation course is an ideal way to learn.